“I was asked several years ago by a Federal agency senior-level program manager, “What do you know about Decision Technologies?” At the time, I was unfamiliar with DT, having limited exposure to weapon system management outside of my core area within the Air Force. As the Headquarters Air Force Operations Directorate lead for the inter-agency SENSR radar program, I dove into learning more about DT and concluded early on that the problem-set we faced with the SENSR program was a match for Decision Tech’s expertise. The SENSR radar project that began as a DoD/FAA/DHS/NOAA inter-agency effort was not only diverse in its mission requirements, but complex from an anticipated surveillance radar system of systems outcome. Decision Tech provided commitment from its leadership and delivered in-depth knowledge of systems engineering, systems logistics expertise, performance assessments, operational evaluations, and more. The perspective from Decision Tech is exactly what we hoped for, and their ongoing contributions have delivered a solid foundation for SENSR to develop a program that will deploy surveillance technologies needed by DoD, DHS and FAA. I recommend Decision Technologies for your toughest agency requirements.“